Saturday, 7 October 2017


Its been more than a year since I've lived with roommates and I must say, living in a single bedroom to sharing a single room with 5 people was quite an exhilarating journey. Roommates teach you a lot of things, right from hardest chapters in the textbooks to the most depressing phases of your life, they are right beside you to tell how how badly you've fucked up and also how to get out of it. Their constant abuses and insults are the constant reminder of your past mistakes. In a way, they stop you from making the same mistake twice by reminding you again and again about it. They are the most annoying cunts you ever meet. They eat your snacks without asking, pile up their clothes on a chair and make your room smell like a garbage disposal. Every roommate gets weirder day by day. The more you get to know them, the more you know what a terrible person he/she is.

Almost all the sitcoms I have watched have one thing in common, all of them are stories of roommates. Joey and Chandler, Monica and Rachel, Ted and Marshall, Sheldon and Leonard; the list is very long. The reason is quite simple. You don't live an ordinary life with roommates. Your life becomes one hell of a sitcom. No matter how worse the situation is, your roommates will always find a way to make it funny. They know the most embarrassing stories of your life, they know the secrets that can destroy you, they know the moments which have defined you and also, they know the people who have changed you. You share one of the most important part of your life with them and not just important but also a memorable one. And this part of your life is made up of hundreds of fights, thousands of little talks, millions of jokes and billions of memories.


Here are some of the moments which you get to experience when you live with roommates!

1) You will never get bored. You will do the stupidest shit just to pass the time. All you need is a crazy roommate and your life becomes one great ride!

2) But sometimes they are so much annoying that every word that comes out of their mouth is irritating.

3) They are the first ones to post mean and embarrassing comments on your instagram photos. 

4) They use all your stuff without asking. Yes, it does make you angry, but that anger is only for a moment. So after that, they continue using it. Most of the times, you don't even get that stuff back.

5) There is no such thing as "your food". When your room-mate craves for snacks, you have to give it to him. There is no way that you can hide it. That is completely against the roommate-code.
In this case, Joey HAS to share his food.

6) You ruthlessly judge someone both of you hate.

7) Also, the two of you together form the worst team as both of you are so much dependent on each other that no one takes the responsibility.

8) Your morning starts with stupid questions and sarcastic answers.

9) There is different kind of happiness in sharing the most intimate details of your life.

10) You ask the dumbest questions without the fear of judgement.

11) They help you in all your life decisions, right from which photo to post to taking major career decisions.

12) There are some weird moments which make only the two of you laugh.

13)  They set 5 alarms and still fail to wake up if you don't throw water on their face.

14) You always prefer to order food rather than cooking it yourself. ALWAYS!

15) Sword-fighting never gets boring no matter how old you are.

16) You both have to pay for the mistakes, even if it isn't your mistake.

17) According to every roommate, his/her roommate is the stupidest person in the world.

18) They literally turn your room into a garbage disposal.

19) It is okay to be the third wheel on one of your roommate's date.

20) Roommates are cheaper than therapists.

21) There is always someone to hug you when you need it the most.

A perfect room-mate has never existed and never will. We just have to adjust to their irritating habits because they aren't just our friends, they are more like our siblings!