Friday, 10 November 2017

The Last Train

Sitting on a bench, I hear,
Nostalgia strumming through the walls around,
I failed to catch the last train home,
Much like most of the times,
When I fail to hurry right after things start to leave,
I should’ve asked them to stop,
But I kept searching for reasons,
Trying to figure out one answer,
Between two opposing things,
And like the train, they didn’t stop,
I just kept watching and they left.
That night I learnt how hard it is,
To be alone on a cold night,
With no-one to stare at,
Black coffee with no sugar and two cigarettes,
I could feel the trouble coursing through my veins,
With not enough nicotine to relieve me of my pain,
The desolation kept growing,
There was a straight path ahead of me,
And it was going to be a long journey,
I didn’t want to be alone,
But there was no one I could be with,
And believe me,
I have followed loneliness all my life,
Every moment was like a bitter end,
Caught up in circles of flashbacks,
And memories became even darker,
Things could be easier if I took the right path,
If only there was a right path.
Is this what I asked for?
I know life’s an endless story,
But it isn’t the never-ending part that haunts me,
It’s the part where we are stuck in strange places,
Trying to crawl back to reality,
We all need someone to lean on
To help us to find a  way when we are lost,
But not all of us find them,
Not all of us are lucky enough,
And I realized that I was the loneliest person that night,
Thousands of thoughts came to my mind,
I wish I had someone to travel with,
I wish there was someone I could hold right now,
But what if this isn't the time for me to go home?
Home might not be my destination for now,
Maybe I am destined to go somewhere else,
I needed another coffee and a cigarette,
Hours passed and thoughts kept coming,
I saw the next train,
But it wasn't the right one,
I knew if I got on that train,
I'll go somewhere,
Not home, but somewhere.
There were so many things I wanted to do,
To run away from everything,
To run away and never come back,
To find someone far away from here,
And start from the beginning, again.
Haven't we all had thoughts like this?
But something stopped me,
It was hope.
The belief that everything was going to be alright,
That I was going to find the answers,
That everything was going to be balanced at the end.
Half a dozen trains came and went while I kept watching,
Surrounded by a million thoughts,
And no-one to talk,
Destiny painted a clear picture of my life on that night,
That was exactly how my life had been,
I knew I was never going to love anyone,
I knew I will always fail to catch the last train,
I was going to be alone most of the times,
All I had to do was not to lose hope,
And wait for the right train,
And wish for the things to become alright,
And then I saw the train,
A smile came on my face after a long time,
I was finally going home.
There were 7 cups in front of me,
And so many cigarette butts
I couldn't even count,
I got on the train and somehow made it home.
When I got back,
I wasn't the same person.
In that one night,
I grew a bit older.
I knew exactly what kind of man I was going to be,
I knew exactly what kind of life I was going to live,
I knew exactly what kind of story I was going to write.

Saturday, 7 October 2017


Its been more than a year since I've lived with roommates and I must say, living in a single bedroom to sharing a single room with 5 people was quite an exhilarating journey. Roommates teach you a lot of things, right from hardest chapters in the textbooks to the most depressing phases of your life, they are right beside you to tell how how badly you've fucked up and also how to get out of it. Their constant abuses and insults are the constant reminder of your past mistakes. In a way, they stop you from making the same mistake twice by reminding you again and again about it. They are the most annoying cunts you ever meet. They eat your snacks without asking, pile up their clothes on a chair and make your room smell like a garbage disposal. Every roommate gets weirder day by day. The more you get to know them, the more you know what a terrible person he/she is.

Almost all the sitcoms I have watched have one thing in common, all of them are stories of roommates. Joey and Chandler, Monica and Rachel, Ted and Marshall, Sheldon and Leonard; the list is very long. The reason is quite simple. You don't live an ordinary life with roommates. Your life becomes one hell of a sitcom. No matter how worse the situation is, your roommates will always find a way to make it funny. They know the most embarrassing stories of your life, they know the secrets that can destroy you, they know the moments which have defined you and also, they know the people who have changed you. You share one of the most important part of your life with them and not just important but also a memorable one. And this part of your life is made up of hundreds of fights, thousands of little talks, millions of jokes and billions of memories.


Here are some of the moments which you get to experience when you live with roommates!

1) You will never get bored. You will do the stupidest shit just to pass the time. All you need is a crazy roommate and your life becomes one great ride!

2) But sometimes they are so much annoying that every word that comes out of their mouth is irritating.

3) They are the first ones to post mean and embarrassing comments on your instagram photos. 

4) They use all your stuff without asking. Yes, it does make you angry, but that anger is only for a moment. So after that, they continue using it. Most of the times, you don't even get that stuff back.

5) There is no such thing as "your food". When your room-mate craves for snacks, you have to give it to him. There is no way that you can hide it. That is completely against the roommate-code.
In this case, Joey HAS to share his food.

6) You ruthlessly judge someone both of you hate.

7) Also, the two of you together form the worst team as both of you are so much dependent on each other that no one takes the responsibility.

8) Your morning starts with stupid questions and sarcastic answers.

9) There is different kind of happiness in sharing the most intimate details of your life.

10) You ask the dumbest questions without the fear of judgement.

11) They help you in all your life decisions, right from which photo to post to taking major career decisions.

12) There are some weird moments which make only the two of you laugh.

13)  They set 5 alarms and still fail to wake up if you don't throw water on their face.

14) You always prefer to order food rather than cooking it yourself. ALWAYS!

15) Sword-fighting never gets boring no matter how old you are.

16) You both have to pay for the mistakes, even if it isn't your mistake.

17) According to every roommate, his/her roommate is the stupidest person in the world.

18) They literally turn your room into a garbage disposal.

19) It is okay to be the third wheel on one of your roommate's date.

20) Roommates are cheaper than therapists.

21) There is always someone to hug you when you need it the most.

A perfect room-mate has never existed and never will. We just have to adjust to their irritating habits because they aren't just our friends, they are more like our siblings!


Monday, 31 July 2017


Words, sometimes, in some of the books are so marvelous that they can shape your feelings and emotions through a sprinkle of imagination. The writer writes about a protagonist who goes through both pleasant and troubling experiences making it to the end when they have more strength and experience. But in reality, the reader is the actual protagonist and the story is set in the mind directed by words drenched in emotions and carved by the collisions of hypothetical imaginations running in the reader's head about the future with the one actually written by the writer.

A pleasant escape, a hope to exit from the monochromatic world and enter into a world completely made of fiction through the aroma of crisped ink pages which make you curl your fingers and toes in anticipation, sending tingles of spark down your spine, thinking about the protagonist and analyzing how the story could have been completely different if you were in their situation, have you ever felt that? Well, if you have then you are really a bibliophile or the common people may call 'a nerd'.

The pages are lifeless but still a bookaholic finds a soul in them, in those words, which the writer has given birth to and the characters, which are immortal for the readers. They are basically magic, for those who believe in getting lost from the sense of time and surrounding and you become so familiar with the flaws and quirks, that fiction in there becomes reality. And when it ends, they might take time to recover from the depression that arrives.

Here are some of the words for the readers who believe that words are magic:

1) If there is a book written for selectively social people, then Perks of being a wallflower is the one. The ending of the movie made from the book is probably the best endings of all times.






As Kafka said, 
"You don't need to leave your room.
Remain sitting at the table and listen.
Don't even listen, simply wait.
Don't even wait.
Be quite still and solitary.
The world will freely offer itself to you
To be unmasked, it has no choice,
It will roll in ecstasy at your feet!"

"For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else in the world. What a miracle it is that out of these small, rigid squares of papers unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you."

-Anne Lamott

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

A year away from home!

Many bands in the world have one thing in common, most of them, right from American Authors to One Direction and even singers like Passenger, Michael Buble, etc have composed at least one song named 'Home'. I never really understood the obsession of musicians with the word 'Home'.

It was after one long year of living in hostel and listening to all these songs with the same name over a thousand times was when I realized what 'Home' actually meant. Most of us understand it only after living away from it for a while. There are many emotions linked to it and no matter wherever you go, you do miss it.

At a particular point of our life, we have to go away from our home. Freedom is the most appealing thing of leaving home. Its worth to try new experiences and you do enjoy when there is no one to stop you from spending an entire night outside roaming anywhere you want. You learn a lot of things after leaving home. You meet new people, learn a few new things, make a few poor life decisions and most important of all you learn to embrace change. 

But there is a stage, when nostalgia strikes, all you want is to go back. 

Here are few things which I realized after spending a year away from home:

1) You are free and that's why you are lost. 

You follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly and sometimes you find yourself lost in the path. There are no restrictions and you have all the freedom you need. It might be a good thing. But with no restrictions comes carelessness. You might reach your goal but in the process, you leave and lose behind so many things that can't be recovered in the future.  

2) No place in the world can give you the comfort that you get in your bedroom.

3) No one in the world can replace your mother. You will never find anyone who will care about you like she does.

4) No matter how much money you have at the beginning of the month, you will never have enough to spend in the last week.

5) You will rarely reach anywhere on time. Between managing all the things, you will suck at time-management every time.

6) Rolling a joint is an art. Just because your friends know how to do it, doesn't mean you have to learn it too! There's no need to try new things out of peer pressure. 

7) You can't just make assumptions about people living with you.

The people who live with you, they aren't just your friends or room-mates, but they are more than that. They are your temporary family members. There might be differences. But adjustment is the key. After all, when you are away from your home, these are the people who you can rely upon when you are lost. :)

Monday, 29 May 2017

From the Greatest Writers

Most writers aren't fortunate enough to know what is going inside them. No matter what it is, an incredible arising of new experiences or downfall of emotional torments, they don't know how things inside heart work. Their road to peace is paved with adjectives. So they know how to fix themselves with words. On still nights, alone with a paper over their 3rd or even 4th cup of coffee, unbalanced between innovation, rage, joy, despair and many more things, they have to go through so many things, just to write a page. There are unorganized thoughts and astonishment of how simple words can influence a story, still most of them don't quit. There is no guarantee that people will read it but still they write, they write while wandering hopelessly in the depths of their mind. There is chaos in their mind, thoughts are fucked up struggling between finding the best adjectives to describe the things they love.

A pen, paper and coffee come together that's how one of the greatest stories start.

There have been many great writers throughout the history. Writers, who have influenced the world so much that they changed the way people think. They made people laugh, cry and took them on an amazing journey of twists, turns and heart breaking moments. Also, they perfectly explained what it is like to be a writer in this hypercritical society of condescending fools.

Writers write everything. Especially the things that hurt. Point to the scars of a writer and he'll tell you the story of each one. From the big one, you get novels. A little talent is nice to have, but if you really want to be a writer, remember the story of every scar.

Stephen King, Misery.

Here are some of the quotes from the greatest writers which subtly explain how they touch, even the stone-hearted souls:








Every secret of  a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is largely written in his works. A writer may lie, but his words never do. They get to taste life twice, in the moment and retrospect. 

We all have a story to tell about.
Wait for a story which you will be excited to write about! :)
